Ayurveda is Science of Life.
Secrets of Ayurveda could help gain and maintain healthy body and life.
Ayurveda is not just a therapy, but also is a science of prevention of diseases, and achieving longevity.

There are four main concepts defined to understand human body and ‘prakruti’ of any human being.
5 elements, 3 Doshas, 7 Dhatus, 3 Malas

5 Elements
Human body is made up of Pancha Mahabhutas (5 elements) namely Prithvi (Earth), Aap (Water), Tej (Energy), Vaayu (Air), and Akaash (space).

3 Doshas
These five elements combine to form controlling forces called ‘Doshas’ There are three DOSHAS stated in Ayurveda. Vaata, Pitta, Kafa.

7 Dhatus
According to Ayurveda, there are 7 Body tissue components that form human body. They are: Rasa (digested food takes this form before converting into other Dhatus) It is also known as Ahara Rasa.
Rakta (Blood)
Mamsa (Flesh tissue) mostly comprises of the muscles in the body. this gives basic shape to the body.
Meda (Fat tissue) its main function is lubrication within body parts.
Asthi (Bone tissue) Provides for basic structure of the human body
Majja (The bone marrow tissue) this tissue fills the bone cavities.
Shukra (Male and Female reproductive system and its secretion) Main function is reproduction

3 Malas
The waste products of the body are termed as Malas.

Purish (Stools) the solid waste excreta
Mutra (Urine) The main liquid waste disposal.
Sweda (Sweat) that comes out of our body

Regualr elimination of these Malas is very important for maintaining good health.

With the help of the above 4 concepts, ancient health science wizards of India defined a framework with which a practitioner could understand the prakruti of any human being, and then either diagnose any disease or illness, or define daily activity to keep the human healthy.